Photographer Luís Miguel Proença wins Douro Museum contest

The photographer Luís Miguel Proença won the international contest promoted by the Douro Museum, with the set of photographs “Landscapes and details”, it was announced today.

The 2022 edition of the international photography contest joined the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the classification of the Douro as a World Heritage Site.

The Douro Museum, located in Peso da Régua, Vila Real district, announced today that, in total, the contest received 23 inscriptions, and 19 participants were admitted.

The approved works, submitted as sets, were presented to the jury anonymously.

According to the museum, 1st prize was awarded to Luís Miguel Proença, from Fundão (Castelo Branco), with the set “Landscapes and details”.

The 2nd prize was won by José Suzano Magalhães, from Gondomar (Porto), with the set “Alto Douro Vinhateiro”, and the 3rd prize went to António Jaime Abrunhosa, from Vila Nova de Foz Côa (Guarda), with the set “Gentes, trabalhos e locais”.

The aim of the 2022 competition was to “capture the changes and or persistence of the evolving and living landscape — the Douro — in its most diverse aspects”.

“Besides capturing the landscape, the aim was also to feel, to go through the Douro through its people, practices and the way they shape the wine-growing territory through a critical reading of the World Heritage status,” the museum unit added.

The winning images of the contest will now integrate the database “Visual Archives” of the Douro Museum, being the motto for an itinerant exhibition.

The contest is part of the project “Contemporary Photography in the Douro” and has the partnership of EDP – Produção.

The Alto Douro Wine Region was classified by UNESCO on 14 December 2001 as a living and evolving cultural landscape and, between December 2021 and December 2022, will mark 20 years of this classification.

The classified area crosses the municipalities of Mesão Frio, Peso da Régua, Santa Marta de Penaguião, Vila Real, Alijó, Sabrosa, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Torre de Moncorvo, Lamego, Armamar, Tabuaço, São João da Pesqueira and Vila Nova de Foz Côa and constitutes the most representative continuum of the Douro Demarcated Region, the oldest demarcated and regulated wine region in the world (1756).