Our Galactic Maelstrom: Milky Way’s Black Hole Spins at Breakneck Speed, Warping Spacetime


New research confirms that Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), the supermassive black hole at the heart of our Milky Way galaxy, rotates at a near-record pace. This rapid spin, estimated at 60% of the maximum theoretical limit, warps the surrounding spacetime into an oblong shape, similar to an American football.

Astronomers led by Dr. Ruth Daly utilized observations from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to analyze the flow of hot gas swirling around Sgr A*. By tracing the gas’s motion, they measured the black hole’s angular velocity, revealing its astonishing spin.

This finding adds to a growing body of evidence about Sgr A*’s properties and sheds light on its formative years. Previous estimates of its spin varied widely, ranging from near stillness to near-maximal rotation. The new study suggests a moderate-to-high spin, potentially influenced by its formation process or interactions with neighboring stars.


  • Understanding Galactic Evolution: Sgr A*’s spin is crucial for comprehending the Milky Way’s history and development. A rapidly spinning black hole can launch powerful jets of material, potentially influencing star formation and shaping the galaxy’s overall structure.
  • Probing General Relativity: Studying Sgr A*’s extreme environment offers a unique opportunity to test the predictions of Einstein’s theory of general relativity, particularly regarding the behavior of matter and spacetime in the vicinity of black holes.
  • Future Observations: Ongoing and future missions, like the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), will provide even sharper images and data, enabling scientists to probe deeper into Sgr A*’s mysteries and refine our understanding of its spin and impact.


The discovery of Sgr A*’s rapid spin paints a captivating picture of our galactic core. It not only deepens our knowledge of black holes but also opens exciting avenues for further exploration, potentially leading to revolutionary insights into the nature of gravity, space, and time.

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